Saturday, May 30, 2009

Whale Watching and the Blue Lagoon

We left early to head out looking for Whales. There are supposed to be Minke Whales, Humpback Whales--and sometimes Orca. There are often White-beaked dolphins too sometimes. But I think they forgot to tell the Whales that we were coming to look for them. We left on the Whale-looking boat and stopped at a little Island full of nesting Puffins. Then we headed out further into the ocean. But today, the guide said the whales must be swimming somewhere else because we didn't see one Whale. The boat ride was pretty fun but sometimes it got pretty rough.
The puffin is in front of the seagulls.

When we got back we headed to the Blue Lagoon. It's a place that's been created from the run off from the geo-therma. So the water is light blue/turquoise and warm. There are pots of mud around the outside of the pool that you can rub on your face and its supposed to make it smooth. Everyone looks pretty silly. I also went in a steam bath (hot) and a sauna (hotter).

Dad, me and Grandma head into the warm water.

Heading into the Blue Lagoon (floaties were required by the rules for anyone under 10)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nelson (and family), This is Maggie's-Uncle Scott's-wife, Laura, but you can just call me "Laura". I am enjoying the blog. I am not sure why but I have always liked places where the water comes hot out of the ground making mud pools and geysers. I have visited two places like that: Yellowstone Park and New Zealand. I'll have to add Iceland to places I want to go to. Happy trails to you!
