Thursday, May 28, 2009

I've arrived in Iceland

Nelson lands at the International Iceland Airport.

I just arrived in Iceland at 6:30 a.m., Thurs. We took a bus from the airport into the city of Reykjavik. Then from the bus terminal to my Grandma's apartment. We're going to rest a bit and then head out to the Saga Museum that tells the story about Vikings and Iceland.
Lots of lava rocks and very few trees. It's foggy and rainy, just like Deep Gap.

At the airport I exchange some money. $1 = 122 ISK (Iceland money)

1 comment:

  1. Nelson,
    It sounds like you are off to a good start. I would love to see the Saga Museum - so would Maggie's mom. We are all excited about your trip and following your adventures.

    I am going to put a link to your page over on my family's blog, so they can see you too. Maggie told me she has your blog address too.

    Enjoy the trip!

    Maggie's 'Uncle Scott'
