Friday, May 29, 2009

Museums, Waterfalls, Geysers, and swimming pool

When we got to Grandma's apartment, we rested for a couple of hours and then headed out to the Perlan, which is a pretty cool water tower. See the picture below. Inside we ate lunch and went to a museum called the Saga Museum. The museum was scary but fun. I learned a lot about Iceland's culture--like the Vikings and the early settlers. I also got to dress up in Viking helmets. The helmets were heavy and so were the weapons. Then we hiked down to the beach and walked along the ocean. The sun never went down but mom and dad finally made me to bed.

This morning (Friday) we left on a tour to lots of cool places in the Golden Circle (South west Iceland). We saw the pipes that bring the hot water to the city. Then we went to Thingvellir (a national historic site) where the Icelanders had there first government in 930. It was awesome. They used the cliffs as a big auditorium.

After that we went to the waterfall called Gullfoss (Gold water fall) where I walked out over the waterfall. It was really misty and I got soaked. Then we ate lunch and I had a big bowl of Lamb Stew. From there we went to see a Geyser. Geyser are caused by pressure under ground that builds up and then blows its top. This one goes off every 5 minutes or so. We also stopped at a energy plant where they turn Hot water they drill from the ground into electricity.

Tonight, we went at a pool where there was a water slide. But the outside temperature was about 40 degrees but the outdoor pool was almost 90 degrees. Everyone in Iceland likes to swim and there are pools and hot tubs everywhere.T

At the Geo-Thermo EnergyPlant


  1. Nelson! This all looks like fun. I like the picture of you in the helmet. I like medieval helmets. I have one in my office, remember?
    And the Thing is interesting. Wonder why they called it a 'thing'.

  2. ooops. I was supposed to sign that first comment "Maggie's Uncle Scott". But its me.
