Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cemetery, National Museum and the Zoo

My mom and dad have been looking for cemeteries to visit (they like to find the old graves). Today, we found the Reykjavik City Cemetery. We split into teams (mom and grandma/dad and me) and went searching for the oldest grave. Dad and me won--we found one from 1846. The way people are named here is with their first name and

then either their mom or dad's name as their last name plus (son or dottir). My name for example would be Nelson Ericson or if I was a girl I would be Nelson Nevadottir.

After the cemetery hunt we went to the National Museum that has the whole history of Iceland. It had all kinds of old stuff from the first Vikings up to today (they had this clear plastic wedding dress from 2000). They also kids stuff to do. I tried on old clothes, played games, and heard old folk stories.

From there we went to the zoo. The Iceland zoo doesn't have elephants or giraffes, instead they have cows, pigs, seals, reindeer, horses, sheep, and a ROOSTER!!! They also have rides and a playground.

Finally, we went over to one of my mom's friends' house for an Icelandic dinner. We had roasted lamb leg, cous cous, and spinach, and ice cream with strawberries, yum!! I got to play some soccer with her grand kids (they spoke Icelandic so I'm trying to learn some).

We're off camping Tues/Wed. so I won't be able to blog until Wed. night.


  1. What, no pickled shark meat? I'm pretty certain that cous cous are not traditional Viking food (this is from Mary, not Maggie!) It sounds like you are all having a ball. Thanks for inviting us to follow along.

  2. Dave and I have really enjoyed following your adventures, Nelson. Thanks for all the great photos and information. I have learned a lot from you, and I plan to do a blog while I am in Europe. Have a safe trip home.

    Your friend,

  3. Nelson, you get to wear another helmet! This one with eye guards and chain mail.

    Way to go.

    Maggie's uncle Scott
