Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Camping and Volcanos

We left Tuesday morning to go camping in the interior of Iceland. See how big the wheels are on the van. It's because the roads are unpaved and have lots of lava rocks in them. We also had to cross rivers. It was fun bouncing our way through Iceland. We stopped at many places along the way. The first stop was a place where they round up sheep from the hills.

Each summer the sheep are left on their own. Then in September, all the farmers go up and get the sheep and bring them down to a giant pen. Then they sort them. Each sheep's' ear is marked differently by each farmer so they can tell who's sheep is who's.

After we drove awhile we stopped and our guide Ingi started preparing our lunch. I helped. We had cheese and dried fish, lamb jerky, and apples.

Then we went to see one of the original settlers homes of the Vikings. It's been reconstructed on the original foundation. We walked on a hike from the house and we had to cross a couple of rivers.
here I'm crossing
part of the river with Grandma.

Then we drove some more and went to several waterfalls. This one was neat because of the rainbow. It also just appeared in the middle of nowhere.

Then we went up higher toward the Volcano of Hekla. It's one that is still active. This lake is formed on the side. It's fresh water.
We spent the night in a little wooden cabin by a river. Ingi our guide grilled a leg of lamb and we had a delicious desert called Skyr. In the morning we left to go higher up into the mountains and see a glacier up close. There was even snow. When we got back to the apartment. Grandma and I went over and fed the swans and ducks. It was really fun adventure and we saw lots of cool places.

We head out for the airport in a half hour for the airport. See you tomorrow!!!!

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